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Kids in Preschool


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Kids Blowing Bubbles

Get to know us

about us

I have a degree in Diet Nutrition and Health. I have worked as a Health care assistant, I volunteered for Let It Shine community centre, freshwinds but the most rewarding of these have been when I have been involved with children. I decided that it was time to fulfil my dream of becoming a childminder. Therefore alongside working as a nanny I studied to become a registered childminder.
Children will be cared in a warm, homely environment, where they are developing close relationships with the childminder and others in the setting.

My intention with my childminding service is to provide a service where children in my care will feel calm, happy and stimulated. Having sent my own children to childminders for many years I understand the value that such a service can provide, and how important it is that children are happy and well cared for. I also understand the need to provide parents with information and honest feedback regarding their child's day to day routine, including what they have been doing, what they have enjoyed or disliked, how long they have slept (if applicable), what they have eaten and their general behaviour. I do this by providing parents with a daily diary that details all of the above, so that they can have an insight into how their child has spent their day.

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The Setting

We live in a lovely 3 bed semi- detached house.
We have an enclosed garden and a dedicated playroom which is full of toys!
The children will have use of the following rooms:


This is the main playroom which has all the toys, books and other exciting things.

-Living room:

Children will have use of the TV at lunch for quiet time if they are not sleeping and for reading books.


This is where all the arts and crafts take place as well as baking lots of lovely things.


The children will have lots of time to play outside in the garden. We will have lots of outdoor games and toys, and water play and will be growing our own vegetables.


There is a spare bedroom for any children that will require it during the day.
There is a travel cot for the younger children and airbeds for the older children who require sleep, and also sleeping bags.

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Family Board Game

Policies and Procedures

They will be a list of policies and procedures you will needs to read through and sign, they will include:
-Emergency, accident and medicine policy
-Confidentiality policy
-Behaviour policy
-Health and safety policy
-Illness and infectious diseases policy
- Safeguarding policy
-Working with parents policy
They will also be a list of parent permission forms you will needs to read through and sign.
-Transporting children
-Routine outings
-Photo permissions

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Early Years Foundation Stage‎

Learning and Development

Children develop & learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education & care of all children in early years provision.

Providing for development and learning

Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered will helps children to continue to do this, by providing all of the children with interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development.

The Areas of Development and Learning comprise:

Prime Areas

-Personal, social and emotional development
-Physical Development
-Communication & Language

Specific Areas

-Understanding the World
-Expressive Arts & Design

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Kids in the Museum


Daily Plan & Activities

PLANNING: Although I am not a preschool with a curriculum to follow, I use the birth to three matters framework and the curriculum guidance for the foundation stage to help with planning activities and outings for the children. I do not follow a set plan as I allow the children to choose what they would like to do. However, I try to pick a weekly theme and plan the activities around this theme.
I offer a wide range of activities for the children I look after to promote their development.
Some of these include:
-Reading stories
-Playing board games
-Sticky pictures/collages
-Beads/jewellery making
-Watching videos/TV programmes (age dependant)
-Using the computer for games, learning or homework
-Singing and playing instruments
-Music and movement
-Dressing up/role play
-Sewing (supervised)
-Ball games
-Candle making
-Glass painting
I also have various toys available for the children to play with such as jigsaws, construction bricks and blocks, cars and mat, dressing up clothes, doctors and vets set, dolls, action figures and a tea-set.
Outdoors, I have a variety of equipment such as balls, skittles, skipping ropes, a cricket set, slides, a sand pit and a play house.
OUTINGS: I regularly take the children (in full day care) on outings, either by car (seat spaces permitting) or by walking to places such as:
-The library
-Local parks
-Soft play gyms
-Local toddler groups
-The shops/post office
Occasionally, when I have a small number of older children (usually school holidays), I may take them to places like the cinema or the bowling alley.

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Kids in the Garden

Our Rules

At Little Champion Childminding Services setting we follow house rules and we encourage parents/ carers who enters our house to work with them.
This gives children a clear understanding of what is expected of them and ensures that everyone is treated fairly.

-Eat and drink by the kitchen table.
This is so that the children can learn table manners and so that I can see what they are eating. It also prevents spills and choking accidents.

We use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ words. At Little Champion Childminding swearing is not allowed.
Wash hands.
We clean our hands before meals, after going to the toilet, messy time, being in the garden/park and touching animals.

-Treat furniture with respect.
This is to prevent children from falling off settees and hurting themselves and also to learn to respect others' property and to use things for what they were designed for.

-Share toys and equipment and use them correctly.
This helps to keep toys and equipment in good condition. Children will be encouraged to help with tidying after activities/play.

-Respect others.
We treat others how we would like to be treated.

-Physical and verbal abuse is not tolerated.
No hitting, kicking, pulling hair, biting, shouting or threatening behaviour will be allowed. Parents will be informed of their child’s inappropriate behaviour.

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0-12 years

Mother's Helpers

morning noon and evening

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